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A FLICKER IN THE WATER (Inside the Tales) by Bob Gonzalez 

A Flicker in the Water is a collection of mostly non-fiction adventure sea stories told in an engaging way.  The book is sure please readers of all ages & experienced seaman & landlubbers alike.

Kindle:  $2.99 - Paperback: $18.99

Coming Out of the Illusion: Realizing the real you by Christopher Link

The book covers topics of life and is meant to inspire and empower the reader in multiple ways. Emotionally, Physically, Spiritually and Mentally.

Kindle:  $5.99 - Paperback $19.95

Dying to be Seen: The Race to Save Medicare in Canada by Cathy MacNeil

This book cautions us about the role that privatization has on creating dysfunctional health systems (including such things as staff shortages, nurse burnout, and poor patient/resident/client outcomes). It does so in a way that proposes solutions by urging the electorate to become more participatory in health politics at all levels. An eye-opening read. Written by a (retired) Nurse and edited by a Nurse. A must read!

Kindle:  $16.39 Cdn  - Paperback $33.65 Cdn - Hardback $57.24 Cdn

Learning Journalism Where Writers Rise: Four Enlightening Years in Graduate School at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign by Sal Nudo

I wish I could say the original inspiration to write this book stemmed from an idealistic desire to teach what I learned about journalism and spark an interest in others to pursue the field, which has gone through turbulent times in recent years. And though the project did evolve into me having those lofty intentions, the reality is that it was initiated by my desire to … well … simply earn some extra cash.

Kindle:  $.99 - Paperback $3.99

The Once Powerful Talai Clan A Trail of Tears by David Ngasura Tuei 

The book is a  true story about a community that lead colonial resistance in their country. Also history before, during and after Colonialism The community is an Historical Injustices victim their compensation case is now at the European Union Human Rights Court

Kindle:  $4 - Paperback $12

Principles of the Kingdom: God's Success Principles by James M. Becher

"Do you know what it takes to be successful?  --to succeed in business as well as in life itself?

In this Biblical self-help success book, the author contends that God has several principles, which if followed can lead to success either in business or in life itself. He further contends that although many of these same principles may be found among the motivational speakers and thinkers of today and yesterday, that they were originally derived from Holy Scripture, whether or not these spokespersons are aware of it. He points to Jesus' parables to show that not everyone who preaches or practices Kingdom principles will be found to be in the Kingdom at the end.

The 17 chapters of this book contain 17 articles relating to 17 of these principles.

There are examples, positive and negative, of these principles in the lives of characters from the author's novel, ""Of Such Is The Kingdom, A Novel of Biblical Times.""  So this book and the novel make perfect companion volumes for each other.

And each chapter has a Quotable Quotes section with quotes from famous people past and present, including the Bible writers, so it makes a great reference source for quotations."

Kindle:  $6.88

No Cyberbullying by Brian Parkin

My new book is about the importance of cyberbullying prevention, prevention, and how to make a difference in your child's school and home.


Reign: 16 secrets from 6 Queens to rule your world with clarity, 

        connection & sovereignty by Caroline Hurry 

"Suppose you could repurpose trials, obstacles, and setbacks as portals into a more expanded reality. Would you tango with your true Self or continue to dance to the tune of others? Who would you be if you let yourself be You? What would you create if nothing held you back?

        It’s never too late. Even if your body feels more like a semi-detached council house than a temple, and your lower back determines how you get out of bed, a priceless, generative gift is still available to you.

        Every time you purify with one or more elements, you unveil more magnificent versions of yourself. The fastest way to conquer undesirable situations is to flow on currents of harmony as you express your best reality along a more transformative timeline. You segue from mundane to magic when you pull out the threads of your past and knit yourself back together in pearly rows.

        Your choices become more conscious by deprogramming yourself from societal dictates that demean your femininity and wisdom. You can supercharge your intuitive abilities as you navigate this world and restore your most profound connections by shedding the parts of yourself that no longer serve you. Building trust in yourself and maintaining healthy boundaries to protect your energy or biofield lays bare your path to new possibilities.

        Reign is for you if you feel ready to embark on an ongoing purifying journey and unveil your ever-changing Self."

Kindle:  $11.49 - Paperback $15.99 - Hardback: $36.99

Wedded Wife: A Feminist History of Marriage by Rachael E Lennon

Having married her wife just a few years after the legalisation of same sex marriage in the UK, feminist curator Rachael Lennon provides an intimate and accessible examination of the history of marriage. She asks, what compels us to keep making this choice? And how can we build on the past to continue to redefine marriage for the future?

Hardback:  £16.99